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Social Security Disability

I help people applying for SSDI or SSI if they are unable to work any job or help older workers do what they used to do.

Personal Injury

I help people who were in car accidents or hurt through no fault of their own get the help that they need. 

Massachusetts Workers' Comp

I help people hurt at work in Massachusetts who need medical attention or missed time from work.

Federal Workers' Comp Schedule Awards

I help injured Federal employees with accepted conditions who are ready to return to work or retire get schedule awards. 

Car Accidents

I help people hurt in car accidents or hurt through no fault of their own.

Massachusetts Disability Retirement

I help Massachusetts employees get the disability retirement benefits they paid into.

Physical Residual RFC.doc

Physical RFC

This is a form about your physical conditions for your doctor to fill out and submit to SSA. 

Mental Health RFC.pdf

Mental RFC

This is a form about your mental health conditions for your doctor to fill out and submit to SSA.